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You know... since we're with the whole Mr. Darcy thing... why not just go along with it??
And for those of you who (like me) favour the new one....
Boooy does blogging feel good.
I have been wanting a pair of striped socks for quite some time now. Unfortunately, most of the ones I find are "L@@K, EMO, PUNK, scene, ROCK, GOTH, stripe tights! L@@K!!!" aaand after looking at more goth apparel web-pages than I imagined existed.... I think I may have found the right pair... unfortunately... they are red and black.
I'm trying to think of a way to make these without having to purchase a whole tights-making factory. And of course, trying to fit said factory in my room... which was today picked as most untidy room in my hall. A pic was actually taken and shall be used for the leaflet they hand out to freshers next year. Anyways, back on track. Wheeeere caaaan I fiiind theeeese tiiiiiiiights?????????? urgh.
Back when I was 10 years old, my mother presented me with this fat magazine called "Ribon". It is a japanese monthly manga magazine for girls. Mind, I am still hooked to the thing. It is quite funny to see the lady at the japanese bookshop look confused as to why a 20-year-old would buy a magazine aimed at 13-15 year olds. I guess it keeps me young.
Anyway, back to the fashion part of the story. Back in those days, one of the stories that run there was Gokinjo Monogatari. It was about a girl called Mikako who went to a special arts high-school and wanted to become a fashion designer. The story wasn't my favourite, BUT she did influence me a lot. During those years I tried my best to dress like her.
She had influences from the 60s, used loads of colour and was overall funky. I remember finding platform shoes on a trip to France and wearing them non-stop (yep, I even went down the Eiffel Tower in them). I had a bright plaid blouse with white round collar neck that i would attach a polka-cotted bow to. I also remember getting some bright lime-green jeans from my aunt on my birthday.
Today I'm feeling very Mikako after viewing some episodes of the animated version online. And what, with all the cartoon inspired fashion seen lately (with Peanuts and Minnie Mouse. Let's not forget the Disney princesses getting their makeover) I shall make my trip to Sainsbury's in a very Mikako outfit. Out comes my 60s flowery mod dress, white shirt with long collar, thick white tights and loads of bright jewellery. If only I had a nice pair of furry shorts.... do I hear the sounds of an approaching DIY??
It all started with an innocent trip to eat ice-cream in Harrods with my friend... then we decided to have a browse/peek... and we all know how that ends... I found myself in the Hermes section looking at one scarf. The tag said £192... I'm behind on my rent but the colors blind my judgement... I ask to just have a look at it...Now, I have never touched a Hermes scarf before and the experience absolutely ravaged my sense of economy... the weight of it, the way it slips through your fingers and the puffiness of the edges. Before I had time to hear my judgement screeching for help or catch my friend's glare of "are you MAD?", there was an orange bag in my hands... oh. boy.
Anyway, fastforwarding to this moment ... Im actually not regretting this purchase of mine... I've been spending the last hour or so playing around with how to wear it... kinda reminds me of when I got my first pair of heels and would wear them eeeeeeeeeeverywhere.And oh well, if I get kicked out of my uni halls for being behind on my rent... I might just find a way to magically fold this scarf into a tent, which truth be told would be much prettier than my current room.