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Coming from the lovely catholic continent that is South America, if I were back home I would be facing a weekend full of religious movies and being force-fed fish soup by my mother. Not complaining since it is after all what I grew up with and while I hated it when I was little, I do miss it now.
Instead, I decided to fill this Friday making cheesy easter bonnets and picking up daffodils from campus while cycling since the sun made a shy brief appearance. Some easter-themed cookie decorating with the flatmates was in order too. We ended up drawing bunnies and chickens worthy of a horror flic. They were really ugly. But tasty.
Hope you have a wonderful easter, without ugly bunnies/chicks in your cookies!
I really hadn't realized the sudden explosion of celebrity "designed" clothing... but after clicking away on New York magazine's article on Kate Moss' collection... WOW.
Avril Lavigne, Rachel Bilson, Heidi Montag, Whitney Port, Pete Wentz ... huuuuuuuuuuh??? While I don't really mind celebrity lines, if the designs are good... but they are after all based more on the celeb's popularity rather than skills and mostly we end up with overpriced unfortunate garments... here's hoping that the Rachel Bilson for DKNY collection produces some good pieces.
All the dresses below are from Topshop, can you guess which one is from the Kate Moss collection?

Yep, the overpriced one.
I got the polka dot one... and what did I do with the extra £15 you ask? Eat half a chicken from Nando's with peri peri chips and coleslaw... and a massive popcorn sundae from Friday's. The best of it all?? The empire line shape of the polka dot dress will hide all the weight gained from such a scrumptious meal. I love it when things come together as nicely as this.
Many people know the wonders of charity shopping, mainly the browsing that then gives to finds such as a gorgeous vintage dress for £3. It then becomes the most special treasure since it was meant for one and for one alone... or at least that's what I like to think when I find something special...
Yesterday I went back with my bike to the lovely town I went to last time. Of course, many wonderful things were found... but the thing that absolutely made my day was the following:
When I went inside the shop I started browsing through the teddies and the lady who was putting them together smiled and said "It's a teddy bear picnic!". Apparently they had received a massive donation of teddies and decided that instead of shoving them all in a basket like most charity shops do, they would put them in a table and have them picnic. Yep, those are real edible gingerbread men!
Among the picnickers I managed to find a Lion King plush that I really wanted in my young years but that I never got because my mother couldn't afford it. He is now sitting in my desk.
So yes, charity shopping... true love.
Sequins, sequins, sequins. I love sequins. Sequin dresses, sequin leggings, sequin tops, sequin skirts, sequin jumpers... even sequin bras if I could find them. It would never fit in my heart that anybody could hate sequins. My world would crumble if I heard such vile words.
Yesterday I did. From the mouth of my bestest mate. It all started about me asking him how this formal party at his girlfriend's house went. He went straight to it: "It was good, except that Patricia was wearing a chastity belt". Upon further enquiry he ranted about how he wouldn't dare touch her for fear that her sequin dress would shred his sensible hands.
According to him, this isn't the first time he has encountered "the hostility of sequins". Apparently his prom date was such a case. My world did crumble... how could such pretty things as sequins be so hostile to the opposite sex??
On second thought... I considered how useful my sequin leggings will be when those wandering hands often found at cheesy student nights decide to wander beyond their boundaries.
Onkel karl. How can you not love him. I know some hate him but me... I really wish he was my onkel. Anywaaay, out is his DVD! (actually... has been out for some time) and while his musings may not be as funny as the girls from Go Fug Yourself make them seem (my favourite) ... I still feel like spending a lazy afternoon watching him work. Add to basket it is!On a side note, does anyone else find the Zavvi website really ugly?
Edit: As always youtube has something. Preview can be found here.