Last night after painting my nails, a silver marker caught my eye so I got all giggly and started drawing stars on top of my blue coat. After realising that not only had I painted my nails with Chanel nail polish but had also blatantly copied the star-print from the SS08 collection, I got even more giggly and thought of drawing a chanel logo... my senses got to me before the marker got to my nails though. While I think some brand-loving can be alright to some extent, as in you love the style of a brand and immitate the style (kinda like painting stars on my nails), brand-loving can go really wrong and end up like this:
So I'll be keeping that marker away from my nails for some time...
This time, I'm hunting for feathery skirts or dresses... I know, quite late onto the autumn/winter game... but the sun is still not out!! So, hopefully charity shopping can yield some feathery goodness ... :) 31/feb: seems ill have to resort to wrapping a feather boa around me... 16/Apr: no luck so far... am seriously considering that feather boa...
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